personal traveling

new hampshire

it’s been a long week friends!

i left last thursday to visit my sweet sister-in-law in new england! as some of you know, her wonderful husband passed away this last october. as a family we are doing everything we can to rally around her, and give her and the children as much support as they need. we covet your prayers for rebekah, annabelle, and jj as well as the rest of our family.

this trip i traveled with rebekah’s cousin, samantha! she brought her gorgeous little baby dawsyn along as well!

since samantha and i had been planning this trip for a while, we decided we may in fact need new luggage:personal traveling  Photography


during the flight, dawsyn was a perfect angel! she only got a tiny bit vocal, and she wooed everyone around her! she slept a lot of the time, which is wonderful since the flight to new englad was about 5 hours long! she was so adorable with her feet on my arm in her sleep. <3

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it wasn’t TOO chilly over there during our visit, only about 27 degrees.  we were able to get out a couple times and site see, since this was samanthas first trip!

we made sure she did all the MUST DO things in new england, like have a lobster roll! we had lunch at a fabulous little place in downtown portsmouth:

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we drove to the coast so samantha could see a light house as well. this is nubble light house:

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and of course we had some kind passerby take an photo of all four of us in front of the atlantic ocean:

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we had some good evenings at home in front of the fire place as well. our trip wouldn’t have been complete without having a drink in honor of our beloved jeff. and what better way to honor him, than to have his favorite drink <3

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most evenings after annabelle, jj, and dawsyn went to bed, we sat and watched FRIENDS  and had wine together. the two things i miss the most having my sister-in-law live so far away.

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a few weeks before we arrived, it was rebekah’s BIRTHDAY! how gorgeous is she in this dress i bought her? she’s so easy to shop for, and so fun to spoil!

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the day before we left it started to snow! i was so disappointed thinking our trip would end with NO SNOW! but when it started, it sure came down! in the pnw here when it snows, the entire city shuts down. but in new england, they just keep on going! i was SO proud at how easily rebekah was able to effortlessly drive jeff’s big truck with all 6 of us in it!

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we had such a wonderful trip! it was very emotional, but healing at the same time.

the flight home was good as well!  samantha and i sat next to a fella who lives in the next town over, and attends samantha’s church! he was thinking about bringing his kids to the same school my boys attend as well. the next evening after we arrived home, my boys had a fund raiser at their school… and hour seat mate was there with his family! small world!

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xoxo, olive


  1. I really enjoyed hearing about the trip and seeing all the lovely pictures. You gals are awesome, all of you! Love & hugs!

