Cannon Beach Shoot – Vancouver, WA Portrait Photographer

Cannon Beach Shoot – Vancouver, WA Portrait Photographer

Cannon Beach Shoot – Vancouver, Wa Portrait Photographer


Welcome to the Cannon Beach Shoot!

My good friend Mandy of Perfect Balance Photo asked if I wanted to join in on a shoot with her at Cannon Beach to photograph gowns and skirts for our client closet!

Of course I said yes!

She had models already lined up, and I also booked my good friend, Julee, who is also a photographer to come and model for us!


Here are all the girls in front of Haystack Rock! 


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The stunning Julee modeling our gorgeous Mister Pretty Skirt! Doesn’t she look like a princess?

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The gorgeous Jawahir, modeling a skirt that Mandy made! How striking she looks in the teal!

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This is the gorgeous Sam, modeling another Mister Pretty skirt. I love how fierce she looks with the stormy sky and her ice blue hair!

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And the gorgeous Makenna, modeling “The Amazon Skirt”! Hard to believe this gal is just 17!

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Since the weather took a bit of a turn, we opted for some indoor portraits as well.

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And once the weather cleared back up, we went back outside!

Jawahir is modeling the Playa Dress from The House Of Flynn.


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We chased the light until it was completely gone!

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Julee was SO brave to get in the freezing Cannon Beach water for us! She lives in that area, so I’m sure she’s used to the cold cold pacific northwest water!

She took that Mr. Pretty Skirt in the water and made it look fabulous!

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These girls were such amazing troopers to model for us! For those of you who haven’t been to the Pacific Northwest Oregon Coast in the winter or spring, it can be brutal! Our waters are NOT warm, ever! And the frigid wind howls most days!

But the girls made it look SO easy!
