joshua 1:9

joshua 1:9

Your love, in wave after wave
crashes over me, crashes over me
for You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter in

cause You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
no fear can hinder now the love that made a way


i am so proud of you, brave mama <3


family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography family maternity outdoors personal traveling  Photography

tori maternity

tori maternity


hello everyone!

here is the first session of two that tori and i did during my trip to louisiana last month!

tori texted me before i flew out, and asked me if i would consider doing a milk bath session when i came down! i was SO excited! this is my first attempt, and i am very pleased

with the results! we had a lot of fun planning this out, and also during!

we sent her eldest boy out on a mission to cut us some wisteria blooms for this session. he also got us some gorgeous azaleas out of her yard. i love that we were able to use local flowers!

i hope you enjoy  tori’s beautiful milk bath maternity session!

xoxo, olive

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new orleans

new orleans

hello friends!!

i just got back from louisiana this week, and what fun it was! i’ve been to the south 7 times, and this was by far the most fun experience yet!

my friend tori, of tori courtney photography is expecting her baby girl in may! she asked me to come and take her maternity images at her favorite lake… and of course i couldn’t say no!

i headed out fairly early from pdx on thursday morning, with my beloved house of flynn bags. if you’re a photographer, or just even a bag lover… you should totally check out maureen’s bag collections. you can find them HERE. i love the evermore bags, the backpacks, the shoot cases, and of course the travlers wallet.

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my flights were great, and my seatmates were all amazing. i love how the Lord always has someone for me to sit by. He never fails, each time. <3


friday was our photo day, and we were super excited! however the weather was a little uncooperative! there were thunder showers all day long! but we got a quick break and headed out to fontainebleau state park, and did some quick shots before the rain came back! both mom and dad LOVE to fish, and really wanted to incorporate the water in their session. how gorgeous is this location? so in love! <3

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after our session, tori started talking about something called a snowball…. and low and behold it’s a SNOWCONE, but better! these have such a velvety texture!! they are so much better than the snowcones you get up here in the pnw! and the have a million flavors and add ice cream to them as well! i loved the little gummy bear on top too. needless to say, i was in heaven with the drive through snowball places…. and we sure went a few times!

maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photographymaternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography


the next day we had tori’s best girlfriend come over with her new little baby boy. tori and i had a mini newborn session in her house! we worked on lighting and posing, and wrapping. i am SO proud of my little grasshopper! (thanks sabrina! 😉 )











maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography


that night, nate went out and got crawfish. for the life of me i couldn’t figure out what crawfish was, until tori showed me a picture.

crawdad. it’s a crawdad. we used to catch these in the river up here and bring them to my mother, and she would eat them.

needless to say, this was an EXPERIENCE for me.

like a teeny tiny lobster…. but not.

maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography

maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography

mister nate showing me how to uh, “shell” them. tori took a video of me as well, but we shall leave that one out. 😉

**omgosh tori the toothbrush! her little man would carry around two toothbrushes all day long! he loved the way the suction cups would make a sound on everything!

maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography


so let’s talk southern bugs…

i’ve been to tennessee a couple times and oklahoma once, and south carolina once. and never ever ever in my life have i seen such giant bugs like there are in louisiana. i’m hunting a carpenter bee in these images, because i’ve never seen such a large bee!! we have bugs up here, but we also have a million types of spiders… so it’s kinda like natural pest control. 🙂

tori also took video, but we will leave that out as well.

i’m not scared of bugs, but DANG.


maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography


the day i flew out, tori and i took a trip to noew orleans.

now, i’ve been before. and i swore i would never ever go back. i do not like bourbon street. at all. you couldn’t pay me enough money to go back to that hell. and i REALLY didn’t like all the voodoo places. it’s not funny, and it’s not cute. it’s not something to play with. just walking by those places gets your spirit on guard.

however going to new orleans with a native was completely different. we hit the french market, which i had been to before… but it was different this time. she showed me all the fun things that i NEEDED to try while i was here. this market reminded me of pike place market in seattle, one of my favorite places. 🙂

maternity personal traveling Uncategorized  Photography

she took me for a muffuletta sandwich! i’ve never heard of this before and it was amazing! they even had gluten free bread for me! i took the cheese off though… no cheese for me.

and now i’m addicted and desperately trying to find the olive salad and i can’t find it!

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we hit aunt sally’s for praline’s which i had never had either! i will be ordering these for delivery…

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i couldn’t pass this gem up.

and NO i didn’t try any.

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our trip couldn’t be complete without a picture of us together.

i just love this woman. she has a special place in my heart.

she is such a beautiful woman of Christ, and she definitely has a divine anointing on her life. i cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for our friendship!


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so my flight home… sucked.

i’ve never had such an awful experience with southwest airlines.

my flight out of nola was so delayed, i would miss my connection in LA. so they gave me a different flight with a connection in oakland airport.

that flight was delayed two hours.

we get to oakland airport, and all of us pdx travelers have a 3.5 hour delay…. because the last pdx flight had left 5 minutes prior to our arrival. couldn’t hold it?

needless to say, i was pretty ticked and tired. i toured all over the oakland airport wing i was in, got decaf and oatmeal because starbucks was the only thing open.

finally it was time to go, and we all landed at pdx at 1am, which was 3am my adjusted time.

our luggage had been sitting out in the rain, so everyone’s items were soaked, and my case was broken.

it was like living in the twilight zone. way to go southwest, you’re winning it.

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overall i had a wonderful trip, and i am really looking forward to returning when baby lakeleigh arrives in may! i’ve not had super wonderful experiences in the south, but i have to say i do love louisiana.

i’ll be posting images from tori’s outdoor AND indoor images this week!

xoxo, olive




layla is one!

layla is one!

today i would like to introduce to you miss layla!

last year i needed a newborn baby girl to model some bows a sweet vendor sent me. my good gal pal, valyn, sent her friend rochelle my way with baby layla!

a full year later, little miss is one, and so beautiful! i am so thrilled to have photographed both her newborn and one year photos! and i’ve gained a wonderful friend in her mama as well. <3

happy birthday, layla!

xoxo, olive


children mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photography children mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photography children mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photographychildren mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photographychildren mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photography children mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photographychildren mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photographychildren mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photographychildren mama knits milestone mini session plum and petunia studio  Photography

rainbow baby

rainbow baby

hello friends <3

today we are going to read about sweet jody. if you’ve been following along here then you will recognize this mama. if you’re new here, you can read jody’s story about infant loss here.

jody is back on the blog today with her rainbow baby story…

xoxo, olive


What is a rainbow baby?

A rainbow baby is a sweet blessing that is born after the loss of a previous baby. The term was coined to describe the hope of what is to come after a family has suffered through and survived the storm of the loss of a baby.

In my case, when I saw the word PREGNANT on that test, I was filled with an overwhelming slew of emotions all at once. There was joy and fear. There was love and sadness. I was afraid that people might think I was trying to replace my son Jack, who died shortly after birth when he and his twin sister Kate were born at 25 weeks. I was also nervous to tell people because I knew that some people would judge us for having another baby and think we were crazy. I was worried about how my big kids would feel and how my husband and I would feel. And I was extremely worried about my own mental health. You see, after Jack died, I was eventually diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. There was a time when I thought that PTSD only happened to soldiers, but then I was living it. The emotional flooding, the sleepless nights, the rabbit holes of thought where I would blame myself for everything that happened and cry out to God wishing I could go back and make a different choice.

And now here I was, pregnant with another sweet baby who was due in March just like the twins had been due in March. So many of these pregnancy milestones would fall right around the same time that they had with my previous pregnancy. I knew without a doubt that this would be a difficult road to walk and I was feeling anxious. However, I was determined not to let this disorder steal my joy. I had a strong desire to be present during this pregnancy and to enjoy my kids and be there to support them with their own emotional struggles. I didn’t want to spend the whole pregnancy living in fear of the unknown and the what-ifs.

So, I poured into my bible. I read and read and read scriptures that helped me remember that my trust belonged with the LORD. I memorized key verses that I could turn to in times when I was really struggling. I sought out a counselor and kept weekly sessions so I could learn how to process my feelings and be present in the moment. I prayed and journaled and I reached out to friends and family and asked for their help on the days when I was really struggling. Being a Christian and living with PTSD while pregnant with a rainbow baby did not mean that I never suffered with anxiety. There were days and moments that were terribly hard. There were times when I was blindsided with emotion. There were times when I woke my husband up in the middle of the night to pray for me or when I called my friends or my Aunt because it was too hard to do it alone. I needed to hear prayer. I needed them to stand in the gap for me. I needed them to have faith when my faith was failing. And they did! I had anxious moments but I didn’t live there. I had hard days but I didn’t let those thoughts steal my joy.

Now as I gaze at this beautiful photo of my daughter smiling down at my big belly, I am filled with thankfulness. Having this rainbow baby has been a hard road but it’s also been beautiful. We are all filled with a joyous expectation as we await his arrival. I feel like love has won over fear. What a blessing Judah already is and will continue to be!


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mila saint : smash and splash!

mila saint : smash and splash!

hello friends!

meet mila saint!

i had the pleasure of photographing sweet mila’s newborn photos! so when her mama contacted me for one year photos, i was so excited!

mila’s mama wanted a boho themed shoot, with gold, pink, and teal colors and a white floral vanilla cake made by ducoeur bakery  and of course we had to use two different rompers, because we couldn’t decide on which one from my studio wardrobe would be best with the backdrop!

this session was especially fun, because my good friend willy of design4life videography, came to video this cake smash as a promotional video for me.

of course mila absolutely loved willy! i am excited to see the final product, because the images turned out amazing!

i hope you enjoy mila’s smash and splash session!


cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography

kate the great

kate the great

hello my friends!

this is a blog post that is LONG overdue. there are two other blog posts that should have gone before this one… but sometimes it’s just tough to blog about the hard stuff.

meet kate the great.

kate is a surviving twin.

i won’t tell the story, as her mama has written a beautiful story about her journey with kate and jack.

this is a very long blog post, and there are images at the end. however the images won’t make sense if the post isn’t read.


olive and jody <3


Have you ever been in a season of crazy contrast? This last year and a half has been such a season for me. Life and loss, hope and despair, joy and sorrow all tangled together and mashed up, muddied and messy. People equate hard seasons to walking through a storm, and I get that. For me it was more like fighting to stay afloat when the storm was so rough, and the flood waters had risen so high that I couldn’t reach solid ground and I was struggling just to breathe. At the same time, it wasn’t like a storm so much as a rollercoaster. Those pits of deep despair were rough, they still are. But there was also so much joy! The valleys are ever higher, the sun shines brighter, and love permeates into the deepest recesses of my heart. I feel that love and experience it more fully because of the road I’ve walked.

I met Brienne when I was at my most vulnerable. How did I get here? Just yesterday I was planning a reveal party for my twins. Twins!!! Two sweet little babies were growing inside of me. This pregnancy had already been one of extremes. I remember driving to the first ultrasound with my six-year-old Annie proclaiming, “Momma, I just know there are two babies!” I smiled and reminded her how rare twins were. Then the wand was on my belly and two tiny babies were dancing on the screen. She jumped with joy and exclaimed, “ONE, TWO BABIES!” We delighted in handing my husband the ultrasound picture when we arrived home and hearing him say, “Oh look, at that. Oh look at that. OH! LOOK AT THAT!” We rejoiced, happily shared our news and joyously planned and prepared for these two little ones who we held in our hearts as the ultimate blessing. Our plans came to a screeching halt one Saturday morning when I found what a pregnant momma should never find while in the restroom, blood. The doctor’s words stung, “I can only check for fetal demise.” Fetuses? These were our babies! Our little twins! Our dream! Thankfully, strong heart beats rang out from the speakers and with relief I watched as those little babies squirmed and cuddled on the screen. They sent me home with the advice to take it easy. “There was nothing I could do to change the outcome.” So I took it easy; we still planned, still prepared, and I prayed and prayed that those babies would keep growing. And now here we were, planning a reveal party for our twins as I laid on this hospital bed. I had been in the hospital for 5 days. Still, the cake was ordered, the kids were excited and Sunday couldn’t come fast enough. Of course, it would have been better had I not been in the hospital yet there was so much to be thankful for and we were determined to make the best of it! Despite the 9cm abruption on baby b’s placenta and the ever present trickle of bright red blood, overall the babies looked great. Two strong heart beats every time! These babies were okay, I was okay. My 8 year old son and my two little girls 6 and 4 were okay. I had unwavering faith that we’d get through this tough patch and make it through to the other side. That was my husband Tim’s refrain, “It’s going to be okay baby. On Sunday we get to find out if we are having boys or girls.”

But we never made it to Sunday.

Jody, you are dilated to 4, we are going to take the babies now Okay?”


My husband held my hand as they cut into my belly. My best friend prayed for me over the speaker on my phone. She bought her plane ticket to come while I was still in surgery. “It’s December 11th today Jody. Today is going to be your babies’ birthday,” she shared. I asked her to play some worship music for me and a nurse overheard my request. “We have Pandora in the operating room Jody. Do you want me to play some worship music for you?” Soon those sweet songs filled the air and calmed my heart.

I don’t remember feeling scared. I remember wanting to see the babies. I remember asking them to tell me the gender. I was about to find out if these little ones were boys or girls or one of each. I made it to 25 weeks! They were going to be okay!

At 0552 I heard the doctor say, “It’s a girl!” But I heard no cry. At 0554 I heard the doctor say, “It’s a boy!” But I heard no cry. “Go with them honey. Go with our babies!”

I laid on the table getting stitched up. Waiting for an update and listening to worship music. I remember feeling at peace. Tim came in and smiled down on me. He showed me a blurry 10 second video on his phone of our tiny son crying!

My husband shared, “The little girl is intubated and stable. They are still working on the little boy.” I cried. They are alive!

What are we going to name them honey?” I asked.

I like Katherine for the little girl. Do you like it?” he questioned.

Yes. Can we call her Kate?”


What about the little boy?” I asked.

I know you and the kids love Jack. We can name him Jack.” And there it was. Our little Jack and Kate. Born at 25 weeks, a full 15 weeks early. But alive and okay.

And then a new doctor walked in. “We are still working on your son but we’ve done everything we can at this point. We don’t quite know what’s happening but his oxygen levels don’t look good. I’m so sorry.”

Can I go see him?” I questioned.

Of course.”

Is he going to make it,” I asked.


One word. One response. One syllable. And our whole world changed.

Can I hold him?”


They placed Jack on my chest. He was still on the ventilator. His tiny body moved up and down. The machine was breathing for him. Tim was sobbing. My cheeks were dry. My head was filled with one refrain, “His days were already numbered. His days were already numbered.” I whispered those words to Tim and he cried and cried. I asked him where the kids were and he called my Aunt. Almost here. Would they make it in time? I cradled Jack’s tiny body in my arms. I held him close.

The kids bounded into the room and excitedly peeked in at Kate. Oliver rushed over to me with hope in his eyes, “Are they going to be okay?”

And I was crushed.

Tim called all the kids over to him and held them close as I told them that Jack wasn’t going to be okay. “Your brother is going to heaven today. He’s going to be with Jesus today.” They crumbled in his arms. The tears came. Oliver looked up through red, puffy eyes and said that he didn’t feel well. He wanted to go home. Molly cried that she wanted to leave too. I told them that I would have Auntie take them downstairs to the cafeteria. I looked at Annie and asked, “Do you want to go to?”

No momma. I want to stay with my brother.”

And she stayed.

My six year old daughter never left my side. She gently touched her brother’s head. She admired his tiny toes. She smiled down at him. She was a gift. God’s love. Joy.

The first time I pumped milk for Kate, Jack was still in my arms. This life giving milk. Drop by drop. While holding my son. My son who had not one ounce of life left in him. How were these two things possible in the same moment?

My Aunt posted in a moms-of-multiples group asking if anyone knew a photographer. I wanted photos with my son before they took him away. Before too long, a woman showed up. This sweet stranger was so gentle as she took photos of my baby boy. My husband gathered Jack into his arms for the first time and wept. He handed Jack to my daughter Annie and she smiled. She kissed his tiny toes. She smelled his little head. She delighted in his little features. Again, she was a gift. Her love flowed so freely and washed over us all. We all held and loved and marveled at this tiny creation. The time with Jack was holy.

This moment in my memory is distinct and at once a blur. Some seconds I remember in vivid detail. Some memories are fleeting. People have asked if I was too busy to grieve. I was so busy. We had to juggle our big kids, my recovery, Tim’s work schedule and his traveling, flying people in and flying the kids out to make sure they were cared for, visiting Kate daily, talking with the doctors, making decisions, waking up, getting dressed, remembering to eat. Life was CRAZY! But grieve I did. My grief seemed to be ever present but worse at times. The slow times. Driving to the hospital. Every time I tried to lie down to sleep. Quietly holding Kate in the NICU as the alarms rang and my baby fought to breathe. The memories would come. The pain would come. The sorrow would prevail.

And the times that were the most joyous were simultaneously the hardest. Each milestone that Kate has reached is also a reminder of where Jack would have been. When they handed me her little black foam glasses because she no longer needed the billy lights, I sobbed. “There should have been two.” When she was a week old and I finally got to hold my sweet girl. “Hi baby. I’m your momma!” I should have been introducing myself to Jack as well. When another mom in our room got to hold her twins together for the first time, I turned away and silently sobbed. The moment we finally got to bring Kate home after 103 long days in the NICU was the most joyous moment and the most sorrowful. We only brought home Jack’s remains.

This extraordinary journey has changed me. Those deep pits. That deep despair. The unimaginable loss. It has changed me. It has changed my marriage. It has changed my children. This loss, this tragic understanding of how fragile life is has made me a better person. I love deeper now. I feel more. I relish the little moments. I hold my babies tighter, closer, longer and I thank God for each little moment I have with them. I am more understanding. I am more compassionate. I’m no longer afraid to pick up the phone and call when someone is in crisis. I know all too well what it feels like to be alone.

That deep, heart-wrenching grief makes it so I love bigger. I have more joy. The pain still comes. I still miss my son with all that I am yet I hold on to the faith that one day I will go to him.

We just celebrated Kate’s first adjusted birthday. March 25th, the day both my babies were due. Brienne set up a cake smash session for Kate and I was so excited. When I walked into the studio and saw all the purple butterflies I was overwhelmed. Each and every one was hand cut and placed with such delicate care and my heart just soared. Those little purple butterflies seemingly floating in the background held a special place in my heart. In NICUs across the globe, the purple butterfly is used to signify a surviving baby that is one of a multiple set where their sibling has died. My little Kate the Great, one of two. I imagined her working all week, praying over all those beautiful butterflies as she painted and prepared. So much time. So much thought. So much love. All for my little one. This woman who had been a stranger but came and met me at my most vulnerable. This woman who captured those moments with my son and made it so those foggy memories are forever crisp and clear. This woman who didn’t know me but came and was present and loved me so well. This same woman who let me cry and listened as I explained my grief during that gifted newborn session where tiny Kate the Great, still so fragile, still hooked up to oxygen, still fighting to breathe yet making so much progress that we were able to capture some photos without all the tubes. This woman who reached out, checked in, and kept loving me had become my friend.

Her photography is SO much more than just art; it is LOVE. And for me it’s been God’s love that I can hold on to and grasp in such a tangible way. I celebrated this huge accomplishment with her as I watched my little one smash that cake.

As we’ve watched our sweet girl grow, delighted as she said “mama, dada, bye-bye”, marveled as she stood for the first time and took her first bite of food, we have seen each of these milestones as a miracle. Our babies were only given a 30% chance of survival and we were told to prepare to care for children who wouldn’t be able to walk, talk or feed themselves. This has taken the ordinary milestones and transformed them to the miraculous! At the same time, each milestone is such a deep source of sorrow. So often my tears of joy as I watch my little fighter struggle to reach the next milestone meld into tears of grief as I imagine her brother doing the same. I cry, I watch, I wipe my tears, I pick her up, I hold her close and I love her more wholly than she knows. I slow down and enjoy every moment I can of this hard and beautiful life.

And I thank God for all the ups and downs, the good and the bad, the storms and the seasons of sweet calm.

And I pray that I can share this love with others.

cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photographycake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography cake happy cake smash children family milestone mutliples newborn personal studio sweet mily mae  Photography



makyala: cake smash

makyala: cake smash

hello everyone! we are enjoying a beautiful snow day today!

today i bring to you the beautiful makayla!

i have been photographing this little lady since her mama brought her in for her newborn session! makayla is always a happy little girl who is full of smiles!

she is such a pleasure to work with!


xoxo, olivecake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photographycake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography cake smash children created by carli ducouer333 mama knits milestone studio  Photography

Jacob’s First Birthday Cake Smash

Jacob’s First Birthday Cake Smash

Jacob’s First Birthday Cake Smash!

Meet Jacob! I have had the pleasure of photographing Jacob’s cake smash in my home studio in Vancouver, WA since his mama brought him in for his 3-month milestone session! You can find that post HERE!

His mama is the FUNNIEST and sweetest woman I have ever met! And Jacob is JUST like her! He always has a smile for me, and is always for excited to come to my studio!

Jacob’s mama and I spent months planning out his first birthday smash session! She had so many ideas on what she wanted to do! However, it ultimately came down to the snowflake theme. Jacob was born during the seasons’ first snowfall, so his mama wanted to incorporate that into his first birthday theme!

We had so much fun during Jacob’s session!

Creating individual cake smash backdrops for birthday sessions is something I enjoy doing. I love tailoring each session to each child. I feel it makes it more personable and special for their session.

I encourage all my parents to utilize Pinterest for getting ideas on what they would like their child’s cake smash session to be like. A lot of times, the prospect of planning out a cake smash session can be daunting for parents! I often have them send me a couple of images of themes they would like, and then I go from there. Jacob’s mama liked that he was born in the winter during the first snowfall, so planning his session was a breeze this time of year. We wanted to use the blue backdrop to make his blue eyes pop, and the silver and white balloons to make the theme more winter-like.

I have a personal cake maker for each of my smash sessions as well. This AMAZING cake came from ducouer333! You can find her Instagram HERE. She takes such great attention to detail for each of my cake smash sessions, and no two cakes are alike!

Jacob was apprehensive about the cake at first, as often little ones are for their smash sessions. But after he got the hang of squishing his hands in the soft buttercream frosting, with a little help from mom, he was all over that cake! I enjoyed how he used the cake as a stool in the end!

I hope you all enjoy Jacob’s snowflake theme first birthday cake smash!

cake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography cake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photographycake smash children ducouer333 milestone studio  Photography
