Vancouver, WA Newborn Photographer
Working with newborns is such a passion for me. I love swaddling up these tiny humans in beautiful different wraps. One of the things that I believe sets me apart from the rest of the industry, is my monochromatic setups. I do appreciate the elaborate setups that other photographers do. However, for me, it’s all about the baby. I love taking the time to pay extra attention to details; tiny fingers, tiny toes, itty bitty nose and ears, the perfect lips, and the dark fringe of lashes

I like using tiny bows on baby girls. These velvet ones are just so delicate, and compliment baby’s features so well. The soft pink color enhances the baby’s gorgeous skin color and doesn’t detract from her beauty.

Using flowers on tiebacks is another favorite of mine as well. It just adds an additional feminine touch to the images. I love the silk flowers with the dainty pearl centers. Each of my tiebacks is handmade, either by myself or by a vendor that I have specifically chosen.

Bonnets are another favorite of mine to use. Each of my bonnets is hand made by Mama Knits, and often has a matching handmade wrap as well. Ashlee finds ethically sourced wool, which she hand dyes herself and then knits into these luxurious bonnets and wrap sets.