Leo – Camas, WA  Newborn Photographer

Leo – Camas, WA Newborn Photographer

Leo – Camas, WA Newborn Photographer


Welcome to Baby Leo’s Newborn Session!

I have been photographing this family for several years, starting with the parents engagement photos!


I have had the pleasure of photographing each of their boys as newborns, it has been such an honor!

This particular newborn session was a little bittersweet, as their beloved dog was heading to cross the rainbow bridge the next day. Mom and dad wanted all of their kiddos in the family images, and we did it!

family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography
family newborn  Photography

Fjord – Camas, Wa Newborn Photographer

Fjord – Camas, Wa Newborn Photographer

Fjord – Camas, WA Newborn Photographer

photographing babies in teals

photographing babies in teals

happy thursday everyone!

today let’s visit photographing babies in teals!

i love the teal color! it’s so universal, and i am thrilled that this color is acceptable for both boys AND girls!

today i have isaac in teal, and as you can see there are many different shades of teal which all work together beautifully.

as you know, i really don’t like to have a lot of distraction in my newborn images. i feel as though the baby should be the center point, and the props are just accessories.

teals are fun to work with, because it’s both blue AND green. this gives you some wiggle room in your set ups in case you don’t have the EXACT teal shades all around. and i think if you did the image may lack depth. also, teals enable you to get more “different” looks out of just one set up. adding a more blueish teal bonnet in one set up, and a more greenish wrap in another will give you some variety for the parents. this is a lovely technique if you have a particularly fussy tiny human or are on a limited time frame.  🙂

again, my bonnet here is from mama knits. i adore the dark and light variant hues in this bonnet she has made. this enables me to use it in multiple types of set ups.

the curls, of course, are again mama knits. her curls are truly a work of art. SO much care goes into her craft, and watching her husband work his magic as well is phenomenal. they are truly and amazing team who pride themselves on excellence in their work. ashlee hand dyes each item she creates. it’s amazing. her curls are the perfect addition to any shot, especially if you love the more natural feel in your images. i love how her curl fibers soak up the colors differently, so there isn’t a flat look to them. they each have so much depth! the curls are so universal as well! i have ashlee’s curls layered on top of a flokati in one image, and then place directly on the wood backdrop in another.

i am also using mama knits wild lamb layer blanket in the bowl shots. it’s a much brighter teal, but still ties in with the original more muted teal theme. her wild lamb blanket layers are perfect for these types of bowl shots, giving some texture and depth to the overall image while protecting the baby from the hard wooden surface. baby’s safety and comfort ALWAYS come first.

in the bonnet shots i am using the luneberry flokati in calabash, and i am SO incredibly pleased at how well this flokati color ties in with all my mama knits layers! how perfect is this?

the wrap is also from luneberry, in the calabash color. it’s a little darker teal color, but still coordinates well and gives a lovely finish to the image.

since i am certain someone at some point will ask me about the wooden bowl…. it’s not from a vendor.

living in the pacific northwest, we have a plethora of antique stores. this particular one i purchased at an antique store in hood river, oregon. i have about six different wooden bowls, all varying in sizes. it’s hard for me to pass up a wooden bowl, since the are so few and far between here! i am so picky about my wooden props…. i won’t purchase them from vendors UNLESS it’s willow and elm, who is mama knits beautiful mother…. and she’s also local. 😉 my husband, the wizard, also makes me wooden props <3

if you ever decide to come take a mentoring class with me, we will definitely be visiting mama knits, willow and elm, and of course the hood river antique stores. <3





children mama knits newborn personal studio willow and elm  Photography children mama knits newborn personal studio willow and elm  Photography children mama knits newborn personal studio willow and elm  Photography children mama knits newborn personal studio willow and elm  Photography children mama knits newborn personal studio willow and elm  Photography

photographing babies in greens

photographing babies in greens

hi friends!

today let’s talk about photographing the tiny humans on greens!

green is my favorite color. this color trumps all other colors for me.

i especially love using this color on tiny babies, it just portrays such a soothing image to me.

i love using different shades of sages and greens too, they all seem to work well when from the same family. i do struggle with pine green and evergreen, since they are a heavier color and turn an odd color when i edit as warm as i do.

also the wood drop is one of my favorites. i like using it with more bold colors like the darker sage i have baby wrapped in for the bucket shots. my husband actually made me this drop for about $70. it’s a floor and wall drop, made from cedar fencing. he actually stained it grey, and it came out this beautiful color.

if you’re willing to put a little muscle into your props, you’ll find you can easily make them for cheaper if you’re on a budget. i also painted my own bucket here, and have several painted in the exact colors i need in order to match my wraps, curls, and fluffs. i purchased a bucket from home depot, and found the right color paint in the sample size, then watered down my paint and did two coats on my bucket. i did a really light clear sealing coat, but just once since i didn’t want my bucket to be shiny from my studio flash.

i love being able to layer all my textures that are in same tones. i started with the mint wrap from inspired knits first, and added the bonnet from mama knits to my collection. then i added the curls from mama knits, and lastly the flokati from luneberry. it totally draws all the attention in the image to the tiny human, and not the props around him and at the same time giving a nice uniform and clean look overall. this collection probably took me about a year to build up to, and i am so pleased with it. this makes my decision making a breeze. i do have other bonnets in this hue, so i don’t have the same set up repeated over and over each time i want to use it.






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photographing babies in grey

photographing babies in grey

happy monday friends!

last post we talked about photographing babies in cream, let’s look at photographing babies in grey!

honestly, grey is a color i really struggle with! i tend to shoot fairly warm in kelvin, and i edit pretty warm too! so that leaves my grey’s looking kinda blah… more greige if you will (which i understand is a pretty popular color right now)

all that to say, when i DO use grey in my images i edit a little more on the cool side to keep my grey’s GREY!

i am learning to love the greys, especially on babies with dark hair like this little fella! i feel the darker colors make baby pop a little more too, making them the center of the image.

less is always more for me. 

i LOVE seeing other photographers with intricate images, using multiple props and such… but i find my style tends to be a little more simple. <3

i like having layers and textures in my newborn images.

using the fluff from the fabulous oh so fleeting always turns out amazing. she offers a wide variety of fluff styles and colors. if you’re looking to add some depth to your images, check out her shoppy shop, you won’t be disappointed. 😉

also… i’m loving the wrapped baby look.

i find i don’t do too much with nakey babies any longer. i’ve had momma’s not want a tush out, or other skin exposed…

so i’ve stocked up on wraps and bonnets from the absolutely amazing mama knits. i even have a bonnet and wrap set named after me in her shop! i’ve purchased MANY wraps and bonnets from a myriad of vendors, and hands down ashlee’s wraps and bonnets are always spot on for sizing, color, and stretch.  she also custom makes sets! i LOVE having her custom sets made for me, because it ensures that ALL my colors coordinate! this makes my sessions go SO much more smoothly, and editing is such a breeze when all colors are from the same pallet. <3

hope this is helpful! and yes…. i type like i talk. 😉

here is baby isaac in grey <3


mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography mama knits newborn oh so fleeting personal studio  Photography

babies and cream colors

babies and cream colors

let’s talk about color set ups <3

i love babies on cream. to me, it just makes you remember how pure and innocent they are. they look so angelic on light, airy, fluffy creams. don’t you agree?

and i love that there are so many different shades of cream, giving each image extra depth!

i always start out each session with baby in cream. parents always get to choose their own colors and props…. and i let them because there isn’t anything in my entire studio i don’t like 😉

cream is a staple in each session for me. don’t get me wrong, i love the deep and intense jewel tones, and the darker earthy tones.

but cream makes the babies look like little tiny, peaceful, cherubs.

they are such a beautiful and complex gift from the Lord, and i love working with each individual one.

do you have colors you like to see on babies?




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ruth caroline

ruth caroline

sweet ruth caroline from last week!

she was just as precious as her name is! and as you can tell, big brother is smitten with her.

here are some highlights from her studio session!





cbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photographycbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photographycbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photographycbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photography cbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photographycbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photography cbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photography cbc prop shop children family inspired knits mama knits milestone newborn oh so fleeting plum and petunia studio vendor  Photography

stella marie

hello friends!


meet stella marie!

i was so trilled when her mama contacted me for her newborn photos! i did her older brother’s images as well, and it’s always super special to me when i get to photograph siblings <3

how beautiful is this little angel?





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judah lion

judah lion


hello friends!

today miss jody is back on the blog! she’s written about her experience with her brand new gorgeous rainbow baby.

if you don’t know the back story on jody, her micro preemies, and her loss you can read about it here, and here

please welcome jody back to the blog!


xoxo olive


My sweet little Judah Lion is here. Judah means praised, and we sure have praised God with the birth of this lovely little boy. Lion represents courage and overcoming difficulty. During my pregnancy with this little one I had to overcome difficulty and have courage so many times. Pregnancy after loss is hard, and beautiful, heart wrenching and healing. I had to face fears, look grief in the face, and learn that no amount of research could ease my suffering heart. No amount of reading could give me the answers I was looking for. In the end, I just had to trust. Carrying this little baby helped me to become stronger than I knew I was. But really, it was in times of weakness that I found the strength of Lord. Here are some scriptures that helped me along the way:

Philipians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight

Because of the type of cesarean I had with the twins (a classical incision), the rupture rate during a VBAC attempt was increased. So when I consulted with the doctor about letting me try for a VBAC, that ininital answer was probably not, but they would let me meet with a specialist. That specialist was particularily good at being frank and he communicated that although they couldn’t strap me down and cut the baby out of me without my consent, if I came to the hospital in labor, they would coherese me into having a c-section by telling me that my baby was dying. This led me to hours and hours of pouring over research and reading journal article after article that reinforced my belief that a VBAC really was the safest way to go. Especially because they wanted to take my baby by cesarean at 36 weeks, a full 4 weeks early. The thought of a repeat cesarean terrified me. And doing one that early felt CRAZY.

For me, as I dealt with anxiety, PTSD, facing another cesarean, reading scary statistics about rupture and catastrophic outcomes as I had to make choices about his upcoming birth, there were times that were overwhelming. It felt like no matter what I chose, there was no good options. I had to make the right choice so my baby would be okay.

In the end, it was prayer that really got me through. I prayed, journaled, went to counseling, prayed and prayed and prayed some more. Finally, I was given the gift of peace. I scheduled the cesarean for 37 and a half weeks, the latest the doctor would agree to let me go.

In the end, as I was walked into the operating room, I felt joy and excitement as I was getting ready to meet my son. The surgery was hard. I had complications. Judah struggled to breathe at birth and had to be on CPAP and have oxygen. My body reacted to the medication and I was very sick after delivery and for the next couple of weeks as well. I didn’t have the beautiful, healing repeat ceasarean that I had hoped for but I did have a peace that surpassed all understanding. That peace and my ability to trust in the LORD even when things were hard, even when things didn’t go as planned, even when my little guy couldn’t breathe on his own, even when they were worried about my heart function after delivery, even when…

That is when we really learn to trust in the LORD. It’s when we face the even whens in life. So no matter what you are going through right now, I pray that you would have peace.

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power and love and sound judgement 2 Timothy 1:7

and remember

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philipians 4:6-8

This last one is my very favorite verse in the bible. For me it’s saying, “Jody, go to God with your troubles. He wants to hear. He wants to know. But remember, the most important thing is to come with a thankful heart. Spend your time thinking about what is actually true in your life. Not worrying about the future what ifs. What is true today?J

During pregnancy I would stop and touch my belly, I would feel Judah kicking, and I would tell myself, “Right now, in this moment, this baby is alive. He’s kicking. He’s healthy.

What is true for you today? What do you have to be thankful for?

Today I am thankful for little Judah Lion and I’m praising God that I get to keep this little one and love him everyday.


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