Category: senior session

Josanna: Senior Portraits
hello friends!
meet the beautiful josanna!
every year i donate a photography package to my boys school auction. this beautiful lady’s mother bid on my package during the live auction, and she won!
we decided to do her senior photo session where she lives, on the makah reservation, during their annual makah days festival! this was such a wonderful experience for myself and our three boys. we of course took plenty of photos, which will be for another post!
miss josanna is the sweetest young lady!
we spent about an hour doing her images, starting out at the building her grandmother used to sell woven baskets in:
she is an avid SEAHAWKS fan!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we of course had to get some images in her hawks gear! how cute are her boots??!
the end of our session we did on the water, in her handmade makah regalia.
i have to say, it was such an honor to be able to photograph josanna in her gorgeous regalia. each piece had its own story.
and while makah tribe colors are red and black, i loved that josanna’s regalia was a beautiful bright blue.
we are looking forward to visiting the makah reservation again this year, and i cannot wait to get more images of these beautiful people and their amazing culture!
xoxo, olive